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The Law School held a postgraduate tutor working meeting at the beginning of the new semester
February 24, 2022 | View:

In order to better carry out postgraduate related work this semester, the Law school held the first meeting on February 23rd, which was presided over by associate dean,Niu Yubing. All graduate tutors attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Li Bingshuo, dean of the Law school, confirmed the goals and measures of postgraduate education in this academic year. Associate dean Niu Yubing explained the progress of the thesis writing of graduate students, and put forward specific requirements for the subsequent schedule. Finally, Professor Liu Tongjun gave a talk on the standard requirements of papers and postgraduate training.

This conference held at the beginning of the new semester is a special conference on graduate work, which is of great significance to the work of the school in the future.

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