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Jiaohui Point: Explore the "college" new mode of social governance - "Sweeping the building into the ten thousand homes, wide weave anti-fraud network" Grid Service Day
August 15, 2023 | View:

How to crack the lack of attractiveness of grassroots rule of law publicity, how to enhance the enthusiasm of public participation? Jiangsu University School of Law and Zhenjiang City, Jingkou District, Xiangshan Street to create a new model of school-land co-construction, to create a "college" workstations, a theme every month, every month into the grid, to help each household to build a family-style "rule of law courtyard", to open the last meter of community governance.

A few days ago, the "academy" workstation in the "master teacher mobile mediation studio" of seven teachers and "mediation eagle workstation" of 33 student volunteers, joint Xuefu Road Police Station Together with Xuefu Road Police Station, they went into 15 communities and 69 grids on Xiangshan Street, entering into merchants, residents' homes and home care centers to carry out the theme of "Sweeping into ten thousand homes and weaving a wide anti-frying net" grid service day activities. In the activity, the students went into the elderly center, into the store, into the residents' homes, to help the elderly to solve small problems, and stores to communicate with the business situation, to the residents to register the social situation and public opinion. At present, a total of 20 visits to the elderly over 60 years old, 32 stores, more than 60 residents, registering 32 social views, solving sewage discharge, water and electricity problems such as more than 10 pieces, more than 100 copies of anti-fraud leaflets, the scene with the police to stop two elderly people to answer fraudulent phone calls.

Lead teacher Jiangsu University School of Law, associate dean, social worker, Zhenjiang City Communist Youth League social work general director Yu Xiaoqi introduced to: "Into the grid for students to recognize the community, integration into the community, communication with the community, the significance of serving the community, good reading, but not read a dead book, in the process of participating in the community governance, the students can be used professional knowledge to directly face the community governance problems, every A student into the community in addition to making money to realize the material needs, but also the need for spiritual needs, in social service students can feel the most real dignity and value, only when the knowledge is really used for social governance, it is truly a learning and use of the same, is our university needs to cultivate talents ......."

Xiangshan street party committee deputy secretary ShiYuFei introduction "today's activities is our college workstation of one of the series of thematic activities, students in the community workers, led by teachers, into thousands of households, collect the social situation, face to face the work of the front line. Coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the Maple Bridge Experience, it is also hoped that through this new model of social governance in the academy, more professional forces will pay attention to the grassroots and integrate into the grassroots, so as to build a peaceful and happy Xiangshan."

Community residents of teachers and students together into the grid form that is expressed novelty, but also welcome, the hot summer, sweat soaked shirt, but the harvest or registered in the book, remembered in the heart, the students have expressed their gratitude to the community staff, but also deeply appreciate the community governance is not easy and the lack of personal knowledge, the activity will continue to improve their own knowledge base, for the next time into the grid to do a better job of preparation! After this activity, we will continue to improve our knowledge base and make better preparation for the next grid. After this activity, we will continue to improve our knowledge base and be more prepared for the next time we enter the grid. The "Academy" workstation will enter the community and the grid on a regular basis to help community governance, share community development, and effectively enhance the happiness and satisfaction of residents.

Under the "academy" workstation, there is "one room and one station", i.e., "mobile mediation studio of famous teachers" and "mediation workstation of young eagles". Seven teachers from Jiangsu University School of Law and more than 30 law students are involved in the station, radiating Xiangshan Street 15 communities, forming the "Eagle" petition information collector, petition rule of law propagandist, petition contradiction mediator and other "triple" team, popularizing petition information to the residents. "team, to popularize the residents of the "Regulations on the work of letters and visits", "Civil Code" and other laws and regulations, to help resolve the contradictions of letters and visits, to promote "according to the law of letters and visits, rational rights" of the rule of law of letters and visits of the concept of the people, and get the secretary of the municipal party committee of Zhenjiang Ma Minglong instructions.

Source: Jiaohui Point 2023-07-04

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