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Jiangsu University "Legal Clinic" Teachers and Students Use the Power of Rule of Law to Promote Rural Revitalization
August 15, 2023 | View:

Recently, the teachers and students of Jiangsu University's "Legal Clinic" went into the rural area of Jinghe Township, Baoying County, Yangzhou City, to serve the grassroots rule of law construction and the people's rule of law needs in the front line.

The first time to the villagers' committee in Jinghe Township, "legal clinic" teachers and students began to visit the consultation, into the construction site, visit the farmers, go to the township enterprises, will bring the "Civil Code", "Regulations on the Protection of Migrant Workers' Wages Payment" and other readings, handed to the villagers, by way of family life, to pool the problems "prescription Diagnosis". During the conversation, the villagers from time to time look through the books in their hands.

"I was owed wages before, and then look for legal aid to win, this is useful!"

"I would like to know what the Civil Code stipulates about the land contract period?"

"What happens to the land contracted by us farmers when we go to the city to work?" ......

Teachers and students from Jiangsu University School of Law moved the legal classroom to construction sites, villagers' homes, production line workshops, and answered the questions one by one in a way that was pleasing to the farmers, so that the farmers could understand, learn, and use them, and at the same time realized the masses' maximization of less meetings and less errands, which was generally welcomed by the masses. At the end of the visit, the teachers and students gave the villagers the 50-question guidebook on Common Rural Legal Problems assembled by Jiangsu University School of Law.

During the communication with Jing Rural Villagers Committee, Prof. Niu Yubing, an expert in grassroots governance of Jiangsu University, introduced, "'Legal Clinic' mainly provides five major types of services: social public welfare legal services, rural legal services, innovation and entrepreneurship legal protection, labor rights and interests protection, and rights and interests protection of minors. In addition, the 'Legal Clinic' will also go to the rural areas of Danyang and Jurong to provide better legal services for local residents." Continuously through the "Legal Clinic" national first-class practice courses, party day activities, student social practice, etc., the precise rule of law services to the forefront of rural governance and the first line, to help the rule of law rural construction."

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